Tuesday (Richard Hooker)
Back to a usual weekday morning routine, although it's been so long since I've been in the office in a "usual" way that it seemed a little exotic. Morning Prayer in the cathedral. Lots of conferring with the Archdeacon and the Administrator on an array of issues. Sorted through the pile of hard copy material that had accumulated in my absence. Attended to some of the details of corporate worship at the clergy conference that began in the late afternoon. Wired some funds to our companion diocese in Tanzania--money that we've been accumulating and aggregating until there's enough to justify the wire transfer fee. Lunch from China 1, eaten at home. Drove southward at 1:45, and carried on four conversations with key players at Nashotah House over some exigent issues. Arrived at the airport in St Louis and retrieved Pastor Paul Hoffman (ELCA), the presenter for our clergy conference. Drove out to Toddhall, checked in, ate dinner, and gathered for Evening Prayer in the chapel, where I served--somewhat clumsily at times--as organist in what rather quickly morphed from a said service with one him to full-blown Evensong. The evening thereafter was devoted to our topic--reappropriating the practices of the ancient catechumenate for evangelizing and disciple-making in a post-Christian culture.
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