Wednesday (James O.S. Huntington)

  • Usual weekday routine; MP in the cathedral.
  • Prepared to celebrate and preach the midday Mass.
  • Spent some quality time with the Provost, covering a range of issues.
  • Roughed out the third of my three quiet day meditations at St Stephen's,  Providence (RI) the weekend of III Advent.
  • Processed a short stack of emails.
  • Showed up for the noon Mass, but it failed for lack of a quorum. A quorum is two. Happily, this is not a very frequent occurrence.
  • Grabbed some grub from La Bamba and took it home to eat. Remained home for the afternoon.
  • Worked on my homily for III Advent (in Providence). It's now at the rough draft stage.
  • Researched video-conferencing platforms for an upcoming conference call.
  • Packed for two nights away. Hit the road with Brenda at 4:20 for points north.
  • Stopped in at OSF St Joseph Hospital in Peoria to look in on Fr Brian Kellington. He is much improved, and may already have been moved to a rehab unit (after two weeks on a ventilator) by the time you are reading this. Then, up IL29 along the right bank of the Illinois River to the facility where Bishop Donald Parsons resides. We had a very nice visit with him as well.
  • We moved on then to Bloomington, where we are bedding down for the night ahead of continuing northward to Palatine for Martins family Thanksgiving tomorrow.


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