Holy Innocents
As the saying goes, I "came down with something" during the night, mostly resembling an upper respiratory infection trying to get traction. I bombard such things with zinc capsules, which usually seems to have an ameliorating affect. Throat still sore as I write late in the evening, however. Anyway, I took it easy getting going for the date, trying to give my body a break. Morning Prayer at home. Rolled in at the office around 10:30. Since this is the week between Christmas and New Year's, we're short staffed, so it was relatively quiet. I consulted with the Archdeacon on a couple of things. Took a lengthy phone call from the treasurer of one of our Eucharistic Communities about an emerging and developing issue. Got a few ducks in a row regarding next actions as pertain to one of our individuals in the ordination process. Attended a bit to my social media footprint. Attended the 12:15 Mass in the cathedral chapel in celebration of Holy Innocents Day. Lunch at home--leftovers (of which there is an abundance, courtesy of our holiday houseguests). Worked from home during the afternoon: Did major surgery on a homily for the First Sunday after Epiphany, originally given in 1998 and now repurposed for January 10 at Trinity, Lincoln. Drafted a Pastoral Letter to the diocese that I will refine and purvey next week.
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