
  • Organized tasks and responded to several emails before leaving the house ... later than usual. (There were some techno-issues as well.)
  • Morning Prayer (short form in the car). Devotions and intercessions in the cathedral.
  • Prepared for the midday Mass.
  • Made some notes--some mental and some electronic--in preparation for two meetings on my calendar.
  • Finished preparing the second of my three addresses this Saturday at the Advent Quiet Day at St Stephen's, Providence, RI.
  • Met with (transitional) Deacon David Wells to discuss plans configured toward his ordination to the priesthood.
  • Presided and preached the the regular 12:15 liturgy, keeping an Advent feria.
  • Lunch at home--leftovers.
  • Participated in a long and occasionally delicate but eventually productive video conference call with some key Nashotah House stakeholders.
  • Caught up with an avalanche of email that had arrived during the video conference. Seriously, an avalanche.
  • For various reasons finding myself a bit behind the preparation curve for preaching on Advent IV (Christ Church, Springfield), I put mental and spiritual pedal to the metal for a concentrated hour and, starting from scratch, produced a rough draft of a homily. It will still require a good bit a work next week.
  • Short-form Evening Prayer in the car en route home (arriving just after 6:00).


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