
  • Usual AM routine; Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Prepared to celebrate and preach the midday liturgy.
  • Large chunks of time, spread out through the day, dealing with putting together the details of Bishop Parsons' funeral--phone calls and emails.
  • Met with the cathedral Provost on a range of important but non-emergent matters.
  • Straightened the credenza behind my desk--a semi-annual chore.
  • While I was disappointed not to have access to a proper solemn Eucharist for this principal feast, I was delighted to see four people in the congregation for the 12:15 Mass, and more delighted that they were game to do some singing. So we used "As with gladness ..." in place of the Gloria, chanted an Alleluia for the gospel acclamation, sang "We three kings ..." at the Offertory, I chanted the Great Thanksgiving and we sand the Sanctus and Lord's Prayer. So it was a kind of "sung Low Mass," to coin a category. Great fun.
  • Lunch from KFC, eaten at home.
  • Scanned and otherwise processed the accumulated hard copy in my physical inbox.
  • Took the "developed outline" of an Epiphany II homily (the 17th at Christ the King, Normal) and kicked them to the stage of "rough draft."


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