Tuesday (Ss Timothy & Titus)

  • Weekly task planning at home; Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Sent some emails and left some voicemails all in an effort to do what I can to see that as many of our communities as possible have a proper liturgy on Ash Wednesday. We currently have seven parishes without a permanent assigned priest, and two more whose priest is laid up. As a result, two that might have gone without are now covered, one of them by YFNB.
  • Spoke by phone with a representative of a company that contracts with church management software vendors to help potential customers search the rather large field of options. We remain in the market for a reasonably-priced database system that can also handle online event registration and payment. 
  • Produced rough drafts of the leaflets for the two evensongs that will be offered at the clergy retreat next week.
  • Went to work on the draft of my homily for this Sunday (St Christopher's,Rantoul), eventually yielding a hard copy printout of my working script. As always, the text itself will magically show up somewhere in this cyber-vicinity around 9:30 Sunday morning.
  • Lunch from KFC, eaten at home.
  • With interruptions to handle a mini-flurry of emails, I privately brainstormed ways to up our game in the area of communication. The need to do that was one of the major takeaways from a special meeting a couple of weeks ago with some key lay and ordained leaders in the diocese. We met to talk about the budget process, but everything ended up pointing to communication as our weakest link. So we need to do better. Stuff is now in the pipeline.
  • After keeping afloat in the task queue for a matter of months now, I finally tackled a technical issue that was keeping some of the items in the section of the website the offers alternatives to the Prayer Book forms for the Prayers of the People (something completely licit) from appearing properly. They now appear properly.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral. It's nice not to do it in complete darkness anymore. The days are getting longer, and light still glows from the clerestory windows at 5:30.


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