Wednesday (St Fabian)

  • Woke up to about five inches of snow on the driveway, so threw on some appropriate apparel and tried to start the long-dormant snow blower. It was uncooperative. So I resorted to a shovel while Brenda came behind me with a broo. But, as we were about halfway done, I tried the snowblower again and it worked. So the rest of the task was short work.
  • Morning Prayer in the office.
  • Prepared to celebrate and preach the midday liturgy--a process elongated by a series of interruptions for brief conversations with staff.
  • Took an incoming phone call from one of our parish clergy.
  • Performed major surgery on an old homily for Epiphany IV, rehabbing it for use on 31 January at St Christopher's, Rantoul.
  • Presided and preached the noon liturgy in the cathedral chapel, keeping the lesser feast of St Fabian of Rome.
  • Lunch from McD's, eaten at home.
  • Not a very efficient afternoon--lots of interruptions in the form of phone calls and urgent-ish emails.
  • Reviewed materials from a Christian formation program developed by one of our clergy. It's actually quite good, and I look forward to further investigation.
  • Had a substantive phone conversation with a priest from outside the diocese who has a strong history in and connection to the Diocese of Peru, with which we are in a companion relationship.
  • Evening Prayer in the office.


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