
  • Task planning and some email processing at home.
  • Substantive 25-minute phone conversation with the Dean of Nashotah House, in advance of a Board of Directors conference call next week.
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Did the first stage "rough" planning of my second Lenten teaching series presentation at Trinity, Lincoln next week. Talking about the nature and importance of corporate worship.
  • Prepared and electronically distributed a proposed agenda for the Nashotah Board of Directors meeting.
  • Lunch at home. Brenda's homemade chicken rice soup. Mmmm good.
  • Attended to a pastoral matter with one of our clergy.
  • Friday prayer: Lectio divina on the OT daily office reading for tomorrow, from Ezekiel. Fruitful.
  • I've been suffering from an allergic reaction on my chest and abdomen to the gel used in an echocardiogram procedure on Monday. Having despaired of what I've been doing to self-treat, I went to the walk-in clinic, obtained lots of sympathy, but, more importantly, a prescription for  a steroid cream. I hope this kicks it.
  • All of that took me until past 4pm, so I just went home and called it a day. 


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