
  • Devotions in the cathedral; Morning Prayer in the office.
  • Got to work seriously planning the details of the Chrism Mass liturgy (readings, hymns, service music).
  • Registered online for an April Communion Partners event in Orlando.
  • Roughed out my Lenten teaching series presentation at Trinity, Lincoln next Thursday.
  • Hand-wrote notes to clergy and spouses with March birthdays.
  • Left the office at 11 to go home and pack for an overnight. Collected Brenda and hit the road north and east with a destination of South Bend, Indiana. We enjoyed a wonderful retirement farewell banquet for Bishop Ed Little, whom I met 21 years ago when we were both rectors in the Diocese of San Joaquin. He then became my bishop for 3+ years, and finally a colleague again, as he was one of my co-consecrators five years ago next month. Later we enjoyed drinks in the hotel bar with Bishops Russ Jacobus and Steve Miller and their wives. 


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