Saturday (Absalom Jones)

Out of the house just past 9:00, headed for the cathedral/office complex. Took care of preparations for the Diocesan Council liturgy. At 10:00, presided and preached in observance of the lesser feast of Absalom Jones (first African-American priest of the Episcopal Church). Gaveled the regular February council meeting to order about an hour later. It was a lively meeting (at which we tweaked the 2016 budget approved by Synod last October, a regular anomaly necessitated by the fact that we operate in "real time" with respect to financial contributions to the diocese from the Eucharistic Communities). We finish somewhere in the neighborhood of 12:15. I then had a private meeting on a pastoral-administrative matter with a lay leader from one of our ECs. Then I met with a quorum of the Constitution & Canons working group, laying out the broad strokes of my hopes for canonical revisions that we will present to the Synod in October. It was, I think, a very productive time. Then ... I met with another lay leader over yet another administrative-pastoral concern. By the time I got in my car, it was nearly 3:00pm. A taxing day for an introvert!


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