Shrove Tuesday

  • En route to a routine weekday morning (after spending a brief while doing snow removal from my driveway), but then got to the office and discovered I'd left my keys at home. No one else there yet, so had to go back. As a result ... Morning Prayer while driving.
  • Consulted with the Treasurer over an administrative/financial matter.
  • Reviewed the draft service bulletin for this Sunday at St John's, Decatur, the site of my visitation.
  • Reviewed, tweaked, refined, and printed a working script for this Sunday's homily.
  • Conferred briefly with the cathedral Provost in his office.
  • Processed a half-dozen or so emails that had stacked up, each one requiring only a brief response.
  • Lunch from Taco Gringo, eaten at home.
  • Prepped a bit for a scheduled 2pm conference call.
  • Participated in said call, along with Administrator Sue Spring. This was the second of three interviews for database software vendors.
  • Registered for an April continuing education event with my Class of 2011 bishop colleagues. (Last year we went to Cuba. This year it's quite a bit more prosaic--Kansas City!).
  • Wrote out some notes to clergy and spouses with birthdays and anniversaries this month. One way to cut down on the number of these is to wait until the month is one-third gone. So ... apologies to clergy and spouses with nodal events in early February.
  • Did final prep and otherwise got all my ducks in a row for Thursday's Lenten teaching series in Lincoln.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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