The Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple

  • 8:00am Morning Prayer, followed by breakfast (now in silence, with sections from C.S. Lewis' The Weight of Glory being read to us during all meals.
  • 9:30--second retreat address from Kevin Martin.
  • 11:30--Sung Mass with incense for the Feast of the Presentation. What a lovely feast day this is; I enjoy it so much. So much mystical power.
  • 12:30 lunch, with more reading.
  • 1:30-5:00--Free time for most, scheduled private conference for YFNB, though I did have a one-hour break from 3:00 to 4:00, during which time I availed myself of the unseasonably warm day for a walk around the beautiful grounds.
  • 5:30 Evensong, followed by dinner. Got a little rest and processed some email back in my room afterward.
  • 7:30--third retreat address, followed by Compline, followed by social time.


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