Thursday (Cornelius the Centurion)

  • Customary Thursday weights and treadmill workout.
  • Task organizing at home; Morning Prayer while driving to the office (yes, short memorized form).
  • Processed a larger-than-usual load of hard copy items waiting for me after not being in the office since last Friday.
  • Took a substantive phone call from a colleague member of the Nashotah House Board of Directors.
  • Discussed an emerging administrative issue with the Archdeacon.
  • Participated with the Administrator in a long (over an hour) conference call/"webinar" with a sales representative from a church software vendor. This is part of our now ramped-up effort to move beyond state-of-the-art 1998 in our database management.
  • Lunch from HyVee, eaten at home.
  • Refined, edited, and printed a working draft of this Sunday's homily (Holy Trinity, Danville).
  • Executed a document signing off on a investment policies for the Putnam Trust, in my role as co-trustee.
  • Responded to a short survey from the Province V Executive Committee about goings-on within the diocese.
  • Composed an email to the Primate of Tanzania on behalf of the Communion Partners bishops.
  • Took the first step in reconditioning a sermon for Lent I from a prior year for use this year at St John's, Decatur.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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