
  • Customary Thursday morning date with the treadmill.
  • Devotions in the cathedral; Morning Prayer in the office.
  • Finished preparations for tonight's Lenten teaching series presentation at Trinity, Lincoln (a practicum on the Daily Office).
  • Continued to process some of the action items that landed on my desk in the wake of last Saturday's Commission on Ministry meeting.
  • Walked up to Illinois National Bank (much colder walking into the wind northbound than returning with the wind at my back) to arrange for a wire transfer of some funds that have been collected for our companion diocese of Tabora (Tanzania). 
  • Responded by email, with some rather concrete specifications, to one more potential database system vendor.
  • Processed some accumulated emails.
  • Lunch at home. Leftovers.
  • Said my prayers and got to work on a homily for the Chrism Mass. Serendipitously, the occasion this year coincides with the fifth anniversary of my consecration, the feast of St Joseph, so there were some interesting themes to work with. I eventually emerged with a reasonable facsimile of a rough draft.
  • Wrote a letter to the bishop of one of the Roman Catholic dioceses that includes part of the territory of the Diocese of Springfield over a development that may have some minor ecumenical implications.
  • More followup on the COM meeting.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Up to Lincoln, via the Hardee's drive-thru. Back home by 8:45, having been entertained en route by the GOP debate.


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