Tuesday (St David)

As I began to plan my work week, I was slightly terrified that there were 77 individual action items on my radar. But by 4pm, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I had cleared more than one-third of them (26), with three days left to take care of the 51 (plus the handful that will appear in the meantime) that remain. Of course, the reason I was able to burn through so many today was that most of them required rather little time--responding to emails, setting appointments, continuing to process last month's COM meeting, etc. The most time-consuming action was making air travel arrangements for a Communion Partners event in Orlando during Easter Week, followed by four days of personal time nearby on the Florida coast with Brenda. As it turned out, we were able to book on Allegiant Air nonstop from Springfield to Orlando. We'll see how that goes. MP and EP in the cathedral. Lunch at home. Still feeling underpowered due to iron deficiency, but it's nice to now know why I feel the way I do.


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