Wednesday (St Gregory Nyssen)

  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Prepared for the midday Mass.
  • Check in by phone with Fr Jim Fackler, whose wife Joan passed away yesterday after a long, slow slide into dementia 
  • Consulted with the Provost and the Secretary across the alley at St Paul's about our Chrism Mass program printing technical issues. They were very kind to work with us, and, after some fits and starts, we emerged with a camera-ready master that we can take to a printer for duplication. 
  • Surveyed several possibilities in my files and eventually identified a Palm Sunday homily from a very long time ago that was suitable for freshening up and repurposing for use this year. Then I focused on the freshening up and repurposing.
  • Downloaded the schedule for the soon-to-begin House of Bishops meeting and put it into an accessible electronic form.
  • Celebrated and preached the midday Mass, keeping the lesser feast of St Gregory of Nyssa.
  • Lunch from Dynasty (Asian place next to TG), eaten at home.
  • Routine scanning, classifying, and tagging of accumulated hard copy detritus.
  • Took a walk around several blocks, heading east and south this time, after doing north and west yesterday.
  • Downloaded and filed a couple of routine financial reports from the diocesan accountant.
  • Reviewed the materials submitted by a priest from outside the diocese who is interested in exploring deployment in Springfield.
  • Drafted a potential job description for a potential Diocesan Communications Director. Now I have to vet it to see if it's even close to realistic.
  • Devoted some thought and prayer and drafted a trial balloon email to a few people about a pastoral initiative that I'm thinking about.
  • Evening Prayer in the office.


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