Thursday (St Tikhon)

  • Customary Thursday morning appointment with my basement treadmill.
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Dealt with a couple of issues related to my May 1 visitation to Redeemer, Cairo.
  • Faithfully read a resolution of the Episcopal Church's Executive Committee that the Secretary of General Convention was required to transmit to all diocesan bishops. 
  • Sat with my exegetical notes on the propers for Easter VI until they yielded a message statement from which I can now construct a sermon.
  • Processed a stack of emails--some in the queue as tasks from prior days, some fresh today (the stream is ever-flowing).
  • Prepared for a brief presentation I'm set to give at Emmanuel, Champaign this Saturday evening.
  • Lunch from McD's, eaten at home.
  • Attended to a couple of tasks related to my membership on the board of Forward Movement.
  • Responded substantively to an email from a lay communicant of the diocese.
  • Read and responded to an unsolicited, non-mandatory, but greatly appreciated annual report from a priest of the diocese on how things are going in his parish ministry. Dare I say that I would be well-pleased should more of his colleagues would follow his example?
  • Cleared a mountain of hard-copy materials that have accumulated on my desk over the past several weeks (mostly newsletters/magazines from other dioceses and church-related institutions), then scanned and disposed of smaller and looser hard-copy materials from my physical inbox.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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