Seventh Sunday of Easter

Up and out of my Marion hotel room in time to make the relatively short drive to St Mark's, West Frankfort ahead of their specially-scheduled Sunday Eucharist at 8:30 (usual time is 9:00). Preached and presided with a congregation of about 20 people before skipping coffee hour and heading straight to St Stephen's, Harrisburg to their specially-scheduled 10:30 liturgy (usually at 10:00), to which I was about five minutes late, but they waited for me. This time I didn't have to run off right away, so I got to enjoy always splendid gustatory hospitality of St Stephen's (two of whose members really know how to barbecue--there was both brisket and pulled pork). I had the pleasure of being diverted by a ball game on the radio the entire drive home (and for a while thereafter; it went 13 innings), so it didn't seem all that long.


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