
  • Morning Prayer in the office (cathedral nave being worked on).
  • Debriefed with the Archdeacon over some ongoing issues.
  • Worked with Sue on some communication details about the November clergy conference.
  • Worked on some Nashotah House business ahead of next week's meetings of the Corporation and the Board of Directors.
  • Traded emails with the senior warden of a vacant cure, which resulted in a later-morning phone conversation with another bishop. But it all ended happily, as we finished the day with a signed Letter of Agreement, with the call to be announced in that parish this Sunday.
  • Edited, refined, and printed a working text of my homily for Trinity Sunday, to be delivered at St James', Marion and St Andrew's, Carbondale.
  • Met with the Dean of St Paul's over a short array of concerns.
  • Lunch at home. Leftovers.
  • Met with the Archdeacon and the Administrator for a ritual that usually takes place midsummer, but is moved up by my impending sabbatical--"elections and appointments." On the elections side, it's a pre-Synod move to make sure that we have a least one name on the ballot for every vacancy. In a diocese a small as Springfield, this is a necessity. The "appointments" are exactly that--looking at the whole list of offices that need to be filled, considering who's available, and making a decision. Some reading this very blog may receive a phone call from the Archdeacon because their name came up in this meeting.
  • Worked on the liturgy program for an upcoming ordination to the diaconate. 
  • Hand-wrote a note to some former parishioners who are getting married.
  • Worked on some Living Church Foundation business.
  • Evening Prayer in the office.


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