
  • Morning Prayer in the office.
  • Prepared to preside and preach at the midday Eucharist.
  • Took care of some administrative details regarding a cleric who is leaving us for another diocese.
  • Followed up on an administrative matter pertaining to one of our postulants. 
  • Reviewed the draft liturgy booklet for this Saturday's installation of the new rector of Alton Parish.
  • Spoke by phone with Bishop Thomas Paprocki, my Roman Catholic counterpart.
  • Another first get-to-know-you meeting with an individual considering discernment toward ordination.
  • Celebrated the midday Mass, using the collect and readings for Proper 2.
  • Lunch from HyVee, eaten at home.
  • Worked for a good while on liturgy planning for the St Michael's Youth Conference next month.
  • Worked on a smallish presentation I'm set to make this Sunday at St Andrew's, Carbondale.
  • Made a hotel reservation for an upcoming out-of-town trip.
  • Worked a bit more on preparing liturgical materials for an upcoming diaconal ordination.
  • Evening Prayer in the office.


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