
  • Usual AM weekday routine on this, my last regular office weekday until mid-October.
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Extended phone conversation with the Dean of Nashotah House, over some emerging concerns.
  • Spoke by phone with the Bank of America employee who is effectively my co-trustee over the Putnam Trust.
  • Sent the text of an old sermon for this coming Sunday to the licensed lay person who will be officiating in a currently priestless parish.
  • Signed and sealed the ordination certificate for Matthew Dallman's deaconing, set for this Saturday afternoon.
  • Got to work scanning the prodigious pile of materials in my physical inbox, taking odd moments in the process to also bring some order to my physical desktop.
  • Lunch from La Bamba, eaten at home.
  • Sat down with the Archdeacon to take stock of the financial resources available to assist seminarians, which we are shortly set to have more of than at any other time on my watch. Looped the Administrator in on the plans, since it will fall to her to execute them.
  • Resumed and completed the physical inbox processing.
  • Worked on some of the details for worship at next week's St Michael's Youth Conference.
  • All through all of this, processed a pretty steady stream of incoming emails.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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