Thursday (Richard Hooker)

  • A slow start to the morning, given my recent medical issues. Morning Prayer and task planning at home.
  • In the office around 10am, where I attacked a modest pile of hard copy items that had accumulated since I dropped by a couple of weeks ago. A couple of them were unexpected zingers that demanded immediate serious attention and consultation with the Archdeacon.
  • Met with a potential aspirant to Holy Orders and mapped out the contours of a parish discernment process for him.
  • Listened to and responded to a couple of voicemails.
  • Home for lunch, from whence I worked for the rest of the day. Feeling slightly underpowered.
  • Identified a homily for Proper 27 that was amenable to being reconstructed for use this Sunday at St Paul's, Carlinville, and went about the process of said reconstruction.
  • Attended to some of the transportation details of an upcoming trip. 
  • Did the broad stroke planning for worship at next week's clergy conference.
  • Evening Prayer in my recliner. 
  • Dealt with feelings of withdrawal owing to the fact that there was no baseball to watch on TV during the evening!


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