Thursday (St Leo of Rome)

  • Usual AM routine; MP in the cathedral.
  • Reviewed some documents in preparation for two morning meetings.
  • Sat down with the Administrator to do some 2017 calendar work.
  • Began working on the final refinement of my homily for this Sunday (Tazewell County Parish).
  • Attended the regular semi-annual meeting of the trustees of the diocesan investments, along with our investment advisor from Bush-O'Donnell in St Louis.
  • Met briefly with the Chancellor (who was here for the Trustees meeting).
  • Chipped away some more on the sermon for Proper 28.
  • Met by phone, wearing a different trustee hat, with the two individuals at U.S. Trust with whom I work in connection with my trusteeship of the Putnam Trust, which generously benefits two of our parishes.
  • More work on the sermon.
  • Lunch from McD's, eaten at home. (Yes, the McDonald's on MacArthur still has hot mustard sauce; a relief every time.)
  • Completed refining my homily, printed it out, and scheduled it to appear online on Sunday at 10am.
  • Wrote a belated condolence note to a member of the Nashotah House corporation on the loss of his wife late in the summer.
  • Responded to a couple of emails that had been in abeyance.
  • Devoted the rest of the afternoon (about two hours) to preparing for my participation next week in a clergy event in the Diocese of Mississippi, following up on some similar work I did there about a year ago.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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