Wednesday (St Clement of Rome)

  • Task planning, as well as substantive attention to an emerging pastoral issue, at home.
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Prepared to celebrate and preach at the midday Mass.
  • Attended to that same pastoral issue, via a couple of phone calls and an email.
  • Gathered and duly submitted expense documentation for my trip to Mississippi last week.
  • Looked around at various pockets I might pick and put together some short-term financial aid for one of our postulants.
  • Scanned the pile of items in my physical inbox.
  • Finally gave up on writing any birthday/anniversary notes to clergy and spouses with nodal events in November, and received the December stack.
  • Went over to the chapel to celebrate Mass, but it was one of those relatively rare occasions when nobody showed.
  • Lunch from La Bamba, eaten at home. Stayed home to work for the afternoon.
  • Finished tagging and organizing the items I scanned before I left the office.
  • Dealt with correspondence from "national church" officials regarding the diocese's relationship to the budget of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society (aka "the national church").
  • Kept an appointment for a donation of red cells at the blood bank.
  • Evening Prayer in my recliner.


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