Friday (Channing Moore Williams)

I spent the bulk of the day at St Barnabas', Havana, meeting with transitional deacons Zach Brooks and Matthew Dallman, both of whom will (God willing) be ordained to the priesthood in a matter of days, to do some last-minute colloquium and practicum on matters liturgical. It's one thing to know a lot about the details of liturgical practice, but there's nothing that quite compares with actually being at the altar presiding at the Eucharist. So we worked through some of the details that you only notice if you're the one doing it. I got back home around 4:00, and spent some time with homiletical spiff-up--both for this Sunday (St Luke's, Springfield) and next (Trinity, Mattoon). Also had a substantive Nashotah-related conversation by phone on the way up to Havana in the morning. All in a bishop's day's work.


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