St Thomas (O Oriens)

  • Customary weekday AM route. Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Prepared to celebrate and preach the midday Mass.
  • Attended to a bit of Nashotah-related administrivia.
  • Attended via email to a bit of ordination process-related administrivia.
  • Refined, edited, printed, and posted by Christmas homily (to be delivered at St Paul's Cathedral).
  • Reviewed and commented on the draft minutes of yesterday's Nashotah House board meeting.
  • Cleaned up a handful of other relatively minor pending issues via email.
  • Presided and preached at the 12:15 liturgy in the cathedral chapel, keeping the feast of St Thomas, whom I consider the patron saint of my priesthood, as I was made a priest on the eve of the feast 27 years ago.
  • Lunch from McD's, eaten at home.
  • Gave my consent to the Bishops of Spokane and Indianapolis to retire. (Yes, this is a thing. You have to get a majority of the House of Bishops to consent to retiring from office, even if you've reached the mandatory retirement age.)
  • Scanned and otherwise process the accumulated hard copy in my physical inbox.
  • Consulted for a while with Pete Sherman, with whom we have contracted to help us get our database software up and running.
  • Continued work (begun several months ago and then laid aside) on what I intend to be a major teaching document on ministry, both lay and ordained. This will be a work in progress for a while yet.
  • Since the cathedral church was being "greened," I headed home for Evening Prayer, stopping to run an errand first.


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