Thursday (St Thomas Becket)

  • Customary Thursday weights and treadmill workout.
  • Morning Prayer (memorized short form) in the car en route to the office. Devotions and intercessions in the cathedral.
  • Brief email volley with the Dean, working out the weekday Mass rota for the first quarter of 2017. Normally I cover Wednesdays, except when I'm traveling. Hit the mother lode this time, with lots of my favorite saints days falling on Wednesday. Entered these occasions into my task planning application.
  • Spoke by phone at some length with Fr Mark Evans about the (fairly brief) trip to Peru it now looks like we are both making in early February to check in with out companion diocese there, which is very much in flux.
  • Spent some mental energy and time building out the nugget of my homily for this Sunday (Feast of the Holy Name, at St Barnabas', Havana). This time I won't be showing my work, as it will be delivered extemporaneously.
  • Many times I have arrived at the office only to discover that I've left my key at home. (This is a function of driving a car that does not have an actual key that lives on a ring with others.) So I stopped by Ace Hardware on Wabash and had a couple of copies cut, which are now strategically hidden in undisclosed locations. You'll have to waterboard me. And then try to get past the alarm system still.
  • Lunch from Popeye's, eaten at home, and then extended  a good while helping Brenda run a medical errand.
  • The new canons require Eucharistic Communities to submit a Mission Strategy Report to the Mission Department annually. But we don't yet have a format or process in place for that. So I did some really careful thinking and made several broad stroke notes toward that end, which, in due course, I will share with the Mission Department for further development.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral, just slightly on the early side.


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