Tuesday (St Nicholas)

  • Task planning at home over breakfast.
  • Quickly processed a modest stack of hard-copy items on my desk when I got to the office.
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Dealt via email with a pastoral-administrative item that has been on the radar for a few days.
  • Got to work on my homily for this Thursday's ordination of Richard Lewis to the priesthood.
  • Conferred with the Administrator, the Archdeacon, and the Treasurer on an emergent administrative concern that has financial implications.
  • Lunch at home.
  • Returned to the ordination sermon, bringing it to the rough draft stage.
  • Refined, edited, and printed a working text of my homily for this Sunday at Trinity, Mattoon.
  • Hand-wrote notes to a selection of clergy and spouses with December birthdays and anniversaries.
  • Cleaned up the desktop on my computer, a periodic routine maintenance chore.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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