
  • Usual weekday morning routine; MP in the cathedral.
  • Prepared to preside and preach at the midday Mass.
  • Took a final editorial look at the draft program for Richard Lewis' ordination to the priesthood on Thursday evening.
  • Dealt by email with some questions from an individual in the ordination pipeline.
  • Spoke with the Administrator and the Treasurer over some administrative and financial issues.
  • Arranged for a donation from Discretionary Fund to an organization that provides assistance and advice to seminary administrators and board members.
  • Took notice of a meeting of Communion Partner bishops in April.
  • Worked on my homily for IV Advent (18 December at St Barnabas', Havana).
  • Meet with Deacon Tom Langford to discuss the deployment of his gifts for ministry.
  • Presided and preached at Mass, keeping the lesser feast of St Ambrose of Milan.
  • Lunch from Taco Gringo, eaten at home.
  • Dealt via substantive email with a pastoral issue involving one of our clergy.
  • Spoke by phone at some length with a priest from outside the diocese who is intimately involved with our companion diocese of Peru, as we try to help out brothers and sisters there navigate some choppy waters.
  • Reviewed the draft minutes of our last annual synod, submitted by the secretary, and offered several observations.
  • Attended to a routine chore in connection with my membership on the board of Forward Movement.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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