Confession of St Peter

  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Prepared to preside and preach at the midday Mass (a regular chore most Wednesdays).
  • Processed a short stack of emails on the fly as they came in. (I'd rather it were a short stack of pancakes, but ... )
  • Got to work on a letter to a bishop I do not know personally in another Anglican province. It's about a sensitive pastoral matter, so I can't really say anything, but, even if I could, I'm not sure I could connect all the dots in a coherent and succinct narrative. At any rate, chasing down precise contact information, carefully drafting the letter; printing, signing, scanning, and emailing as an attachment all conspired to consume the rest of my morning.
  • Celebrated and preached the Mass for the Confession of St Peter.
  • Attended to some convoluted paperwork associated with the Bishops Class of 2011 annual continuing education get-together (with our wives) in April. It was more complicated than it needed to be, and involved a phone call, so, again, it took rather longer than I had hoped and anticipated.
  • Did initial reconstructive surgery on a homily for Epiphany IV from a prior year, toward repurposing it for use a week from Sunday at a parish in Pennsylvania where I have a guest preaching gig.
  • Evening Prayer (slightly earlyish) in the cathedral.


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