Conversion of St Paul

  • Usual weekday morning routine. Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Prepped for the midday Mass.
  • Perused the website of a professional photographer who shot one of our ordinations a few months ago, and inquired about purchasing the rights to a few of his images from that occasion. Liturgical action shots are always good for freshening up the website.
  • Attended via email to several details pertaining to the planned visit from about five of us in the diocese to our companion diocese of Tabora (Tanzania) this summer.
  • Sat for a good long while with the readings for Epiphany VII, along with the personal and exegetical notes I've made on those texts over the past couple of weeks, and emerged from the process with a simple declarative statement of "good news," which is the germ of what will, God willing, develop into a sermon to be given at St Thomas', Salem on February 19.
  • Presided and preached the Mass for the feast of the Conversion of St Paul.
  • Lunch from KFC, eaten at home.
  • Spoke by phone with the Dean of Nashotah House on a substantive but not immediately urgent matter.
  • Made air travel arrangements for my attendance at the House of Bishops meeting in North Carolina in March. I've gotten rather more efficient at this sort of thing than I used to be, but it still requires focus, mental energy, and time.
  • Bundled up and took a brisk walk south on Second Street all the way down to South Grand, then west over the Spring, and back up. When the wind was at my back, it was quite pleasant.
  • Puzzled out and pieced together an master outline for the five sessions of a Lenten teaching series I'll be doing at St Paul's Cathedral. We're calling it Peeling the Paschal Mystery. Looking forward to it.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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