
Regular AM weekday routine. Morning Prayer in the cathedral. The day was given over to mundane administrative chores, all fairly important but not pressingly urgent, and most involving attempts to start the email negotiations for scheduling a meeting of some sort, which I suppose is a necessary evil but leaves me kind of drained. There was a substantive phone conversation with the Dean of Nashotah House to break things up a bit. And I do have a sense of accomplishment, as there were ten items checked of my task list. But I'm glad every day isn't ... like I said, this mundane. So it was with some joy that I pointed the YFNBmobile in a southerly direction at 4pm and joined (as celebrant and preacher) the good people of St Andrew's, Edwardsville for a sung Mass with lots of incense in celebration of the feast of the Epiphany. We sang five hymns, and none of them were We Three Kings. Not that there's anything wrong with it--I like it--but this may be the first Epiphany liturgy I've ever been to that didn't use it. One the way home, we took advantage of the situation and had dinner at Brenda's favorite--Ruby Tuesday in Litchfield.


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