Friday (St Fabian)

  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Processed a short stack of emails.
  • Processed the contents of my physical inbox, mostly by scanning, categorizing, and tagging electronically.
  • Spent some quality time on the website of the Archives of the Episcopal Church toward the end of distilling some simple but robust standard practices going forward for identifying and preserving documents, including emails, generated in the course of my work that have the potential to be significant for archival purposes. We really haven't been doing much to make things easier for future historiographers. The considerate thing to do would be to remedy that so far as we can without compromising our actual mission and ministry.
  • Took some preparatory technical steps toward recording a teaching video. And I may or may not have looked in, off and on, on the proceedings in Washington, DC. 
  • Lunch from Subway, eaten at home.
  • Battled video technology, with which I have had a tendentious relationship, most of the afternoon. But I do believe I have "in the can" a video presentation on the first of the Seven Habits of Highly-Formed Christian Disciples. It still needs to be edited, and it will never win any awards, but it's done.
  • Prayed the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary. I am so grateful that this set of mysteries was added to the familiar three others a while back. They are immensely spiritually rewarding.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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