Thursday (12th Day of Christmas)

  • Accompanied Brenda to an 8am doctor's appointment.
  • Got back home around 9:30 and did my customary Thursday exercise routine: four sets of weight-lifting and about 90 minutes on the treadmill. (OK, this was double my usual treadmill time, but I'm feeling a need to raise the status of exercise among my priorities.)
  • Wrestled with about 30 emails that had accumulated during the morning.
  • Brenda brought me a sandwich from Chick-Fil-A for lunch, which I enjoyed in my recliner.
  • At the office for the afternoon: more emails at first, then ...
  • Consulted with the Archdeacon and the Administrator over various items of administrivia.
  • The solid PM accomplishment was a long and careful look at the diocesan canons to see if there is a path toward making the mechanics of electing General Convention Deputies and Alternates at Synod every third year less cumbersome than it's been. Crafted a proposal and hit it over into the Chancellor's court for his comments.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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