Thursday (Ss Timothy & Titus)

  • Dropped the YFNBmobile at the BMW dealer for routine scheduled maintenance and hoofed it the eight blocks or so down Second Street to the office. Brisk.
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Performed the necessary surgery on a sermon text for Epiphany V such that I can give it new life for use at St Thomas', Glen Carbon on February 5.
  • Dealt via email with a sensitive and important administrative manner with potential pastoral implications. It's an ongoing issue but I believe we now have a sense of direction on it.
  • Reviewed some financial information--both routine and special--from the treasurer of Forward Movement in preparation for a video-conference meeting of the board later in the day.
  • Did a bit of work on a series of short teaching videos on the Habits of Discipleship.
  • Walked up back to Isringhausen to get my car. Picked up lunch from ChiTown's finest and brought it home to eat, only to discover that they had given me somebody else's lunch. So I drove back up there to have them put things right.
  • Drafted one more in the series of meditations I'm working on on some of the liturgical and devotional texts of Advent. Maybe by next Advent I'll have something ready for publication.
  • Took part in the Forward Movement board meeting by video conference.
  • Hit the weights and treadmill for my usual Thursday workout, which got displaced in the morning by my auto service appointment.


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