Tuesday (William Laud)

  • Usual weekday AM routine. Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Responded by email to four messages that arrived yesterday. Three were fairly easily and effectively dispatched. One required an uncommon amount of care the verbal finesse.
  • By the time I finished with those, it was time to leave for a 10:30 appointment with my primary care physician. This yielded a visit to the lab for a blood drawn and a chest X-ray.
  • By the time I emerged from the clinic, it was nearly noon, so I swung by KFC for the lunch, which I brought home to eat.
  • Attended to another piece of demanding--but important and, unfortunately, necessary--piece of verbal craftsmanship, having to do with a sensitive pastoral/administrative matter (which is a euphemism I use frequently, I realize, for things I really can't say anything about in detail).
  • Revised, refined, proofed, and printed a homily for this Sunday (Christ Church, Springfield).
  • Took another hard and long look at the major teaching piece on ministry that's been in the works for a couple of years. It's now up on the diocesan website and linked to on the diocesan Facebook page (According to the Gifts We Have Been Given).
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


  1. There is a flattering review of your piece on ministry at the Episcopal Cafe website. I suspect it will draw attention from across the church.


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