Home, unpacked, showered, rested, and repacked before heading out to the Hampton Inn in Champaign ahead of tomorrow's visitation to Holy Trinity, Danville. Fr Evans and I landed in St Louis right at noon, after having been in transit since 4:30pm yesterday, central time. Yesterday's time in Arequipa was immensely fruitful, beginning with a productive conversation with a priest from one of Peru's other diocesan partners (Worcester in Church of England), a tour of the two Anglican schools in Arequipa, a marvelous lunch with our Peruvian hosts and our C of E friends at a restaurant situated on a trout farm, with an opportunity for serious conversation with area vicar Fr Carlos Quispe, and a wonderful and open conversation with Bishop Alejandro Mesco, who, while he continues to live in Arequipa, now has the remit of planting a church in Cusco, taking care of a region north of Lima, and fostering spiritual and liturgical formation in the diocese. Fr Mark and I came home with some concrete ideas for furthering our companionship with the Diocese of Peru.
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