Friday (John Donne)

  • Usual AM routine. Task planning at home; Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Worked with the Administrator to figure out how to make MS Word and our network copier/printer play well with each other to produce liturgy booklets for the Chrism Mass. It was mysterious, laborious, time-eating, and frustrating, but I think we achieved victory.
  • Reviewed and responded to draft minutes from Tuesday's meeting of the Nashotah board.
  • Reviewed and responded to a draft bulletin for this Sunday at St Andrew's, Carbondale.
  • Attended to some technical issues pertaining to the ordination process.
  • Took my morning walk--down Second to South Grand, over to Fifth, and back up.
  • Wrote a note of regret to the Bishop-elect of Indianapolis. With one trip outside the diocese ending the day before her consecration and another one beginning the day after, it's just not coming together for me to be there. I may not be the best example of respecting one's limitations, but I do occasionally succeed.
  • Cleaned up my computer desktop, a routine maintenance chore.
  • Another routine chore--making some organizational tweaks to the month after next (in this case, May).
  • Lunch at home. Leftovers.
  • Brainstormed possibilities for someone I might invite to be the presenter for the scheduled November clergy conference.
  • Began scanning and otherwise processing the accumulated detritus in my physical inbox. While this was going on, I got a phone that, in an unexpected and synchronistic way, led to the solution of my fall clergy conference problem. Details in due course.
  • Before I completed the scanning project, I had a substantive phone conversation with my ELCA counterpart, Bishop John Roth.
  • Took an afternoon walk while doing an Ignatian meditation on the daily office gospel reading for the day. #synergize
  • Certified academic-readiness-for-ordination to the Commission on Ministry for two candidates.
  • Publicized on Facebook our desire to hire a Communications Coordinator.
  • Evening Prayer in the office.


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