Thursday (St Chad)

  • Extended treadmill workout (90 minutes) to begin the day.
  • Short-form Morning Prayer in the car.
  • Addressed an emerging pastoral-administrative issue concerning one of our clergy.
  • Initial rough prep for the first of my Lenten Wednesday teaching sessions at the cathedral ("Peeling the Paschal Mystery").
  • Initial meeting with an individual discerning a call to ordained ministry.
  • Lunch from Taco Gringo, eaten at home.
  • Made lodging arrangements for a night later this month that has me spending the better part of a weekend in BloomNorm.
  • Made another small bit of incremental progress in making travel arrangements for a visit to our companion diocese of Tabora this summer.
  • Wrestled with the scriptural texts for Lent V and wrung from them a basic message statement from which to craft a sermon. That is a mentally and emotionally laborious task.
  • Plotted homiletical prep between Easter II and Trinity Sunday. This involves determining which occasions lend themselves to a "refurbished" text that I already have in hand and which demand something from scratch. It was about 50/50.
  • Short-form Evening Prayer in the car on the way home.


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