
  • Extended treadmill workout to start the day. Was within just a few steps of my daily goal of 10,000 before I even left the house.
  • Morning Prayer at home; devotions (intercessions, Angelus) in the cathedral upon my arrival around 10:00.
  • Checked in with the Dean over a handful of issues/concerns.
  • Took a substantive phone call from one of our clergy, over an ongoing issue.
  • Attended to some details of this weekend's visitation to St Andrew's, Carbondale.
  • Went down a technology rathole (which always has the potential to become a black hole) related to our almost-ready-for-prime-time database software.
  • Attended to a bit of administrivia of the care-and-feeding-of-clergy variety.
  • Began the process of turning my homiletical message statement for Easter III (April 30 at St Bartholomew's, Granite City) into a detailed outline.
  • Lunch at home. Leftovers.
  • Returned to my sermon task, and marked it complete around 3:15. As a reward, I ambled across the alley and fooled around on the new cathedral organ for just a bit, getting basically acquainted with what it's got going.
  • Put the final touches on the Chrism Mass program, content and format-wise. It's now ready for someone much smarter than I am to figure out how to actually print it.
  • Evening Prayer in the office.


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