Maundy Thursday

  • Extended treadmill workout first thing in the morning. In the office around 9:30.
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Dealt via email with some detritus from yesterday's tutorial on our database system (Gnosis for Nonprofits).
  • Refined, formatted, and printed my Easter homily (here at the cathedral, both for the Vigil and Easter Day).
  • Began to attend to some Nashotah-related issues (reading and assessing texts pertaining to the annual evaluation of the Dean).
  • When reminded by my electronic minions, headed out the door on foot a few blocks to Obed & Isaac's, where I had a lunch appointment with my United Methodist counterpart, Bishop Frank Beard.
  • Consulted briefly with the Archdeacon on an ongoing matter, and reviewed some documents pertaining to that matter.
  • Reviewed and developed comments on the draft program for the Good Friday liturgy at the cathedral.
  • Blew through a sheaf of relatively "short and sharp" tasks: financial reports from organizations whose boards I serve on (Forward Movement, SKCM), a Communion Partners document).
  • Left to take Brenda to a healthcare appointment.
  • Returned to the office about 90 minutes later. Worked on my sermon for Easter VI (May 21 at Emmanuel, Champaign), sitting with the scripture texts yet again, along with the notes I made week before last from the commentaries I consulted. Finally arrived at my message statement, and made a few notes about how to develop it.
  • Without there being any requirement to do so, a couple of out clergy write me an annual report, quite detailed, about how things are going in their cures. I am immensely grateful for this. Read and responded to one such report.
  • Evening Prayer (as well as a bit of liturgical puttering) in the cathedral.
  • Home briefly for a light supper, then back in for the Maundy Thursday liturgy, at which I presided while the Dean preached a fine homily.


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