Tuesday in Holy Week

  • Daily and weekly task planning at home.
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Consulted with the Archdeacon over a small array of emerging and ongoing concerns, administrative and pastoral.
  • Followed through by email with some administrivia related to a couple of those concerns.
  • Took a brisk walk down Second to South Grand, over to Spring, and back up.
  • Read and made a few notes the ten-page document that sets out the terms of a proposed full-communion agreement between the Episcopal Church and the United Methodist Church. (I have a lunch appointment with the Methodist bishop on Thursday.)
  • Operated on the text of a Good Friday homily from several years ago toward the end of re-deploying it this week at the cathedral.
  • Attended Mass in the cathedral chapel for Tuesday in Holy Week.
  • Lunch at home. Leftovers.
  • Made some final decisions with respect to a new round of official portraits that will soon be made available (including a legacy B&W for the rogue's gallery in the conference room) to those who didn't get in on the action six years ago or are tired of the one they got then.
  • Took my homily for Easter III (St Bartholomew's, Granite City) from developed notes to rough draft stage.
  • Afternoon walk: north on Second to Capitol, east to Eighth, south to Lawrence and back to the corral.
  • Wrote a confirming email to the presenters at our clergy conference in November, nailing down what we discussed by phone a couple of weeks ago.
  • Did some due diligence on the bishop-elect of North Carolina. After an exchange of Facebook messages with a priest whom I know in that diocese, made the decision to consent, and executed the form.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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