Friday (St Dunstan)

  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral around 8:45.
  • Spent the next hour or so prepared for the 10am Diocesan Council Eucharist as well as the meeting itself. We duly kep the lesser feast of St Dunstan.
  • Presided over the regular quarterly meeting of the Council. Yes, it was pretty mundane, and I realize people drove a long way for a meeting that was over in well under an hour. Yet, there is something salutary about voting to approve the minutes of the previous meeting and hearing a report from the Treasurer on diocesan finances. Those small things are part of the network of transparency and accountability that enable us to trust one another enough to pursue the mission of the church together. Driving to Springfield to vote Yes on accepting the Treasurer's report is, in its own way, an act of faithful discipleship.
  • Post-meeting, met briefly an informally with the Chancellor, the Archdeacon, and the Treasurer (in his capacity as Senior Warden at Christ the King, Normal).
  • Took some administrative steps in the direction of making the transition to having a Communications Coordinator on board.
  • Lunch from McD's, eaten at home.
  • Did a major chunk of liturgy planning and prep for the St Michael's Youth Conference.
  • Prayed the Glorious Mysteries of the rosary in the cathedral.
  • Reviewed my notes, organized my thoughts, and established a sense of direction toward the production of a book review that I owe The Living Church.
  • Worked on entering names and contact info for parish musicians into Gnosis. I'm getting the hang of it.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Entertained, along with Brenda, a candidate for a clergy vacancy in the diocese and his wife.


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