Rogation Tuesday

  • Weekly/daily task planning at home.
  • Consulted substantively with the Archdeacon on a couple of ongoing administrative matters.
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Consulted briefly with the Administrator on a pending matter.
  • Reviewed an annotated a credit card statement.
  • Handled a short stack of late-breaking emails.
  • Did major surgery on a Pentecost sermon text from many years ago, getting it ready for my visitation to Redeemer, Cairo.
  • Began to turn a developed outline of a Trinity Sunday homily into a rough draft.
  • Lunch at home. Leftover.
  • Devoted a large chunk of the afternoon to finishing the aforementioned Trinity Sunday homily (to be delivered, appropriately enough, at Trinity, Mt Vernon).
  • Lit votive candles in the rear of the cathedral nave, as is my wont when beginning the process of sermon preparation, so as to "cover" the whole endeavor with prayer--two candles, actually, for the Sunday after Trinity (celebrating Corpus Christi), where I am preaching for the rector's final Sunday at the Church of the Holy Communion in Charleston, SC as he retires, and one for the first Sunday in July, when I am preaching at St Stephen's Cathedral in Tabora, Tanzania, as a guest of their triennial diocesan synod.
  • Took a longish walk in a northerly and westerly direction from the office, during which I made extraordinary mental progress in conceiving and hatching the above-mentioned homilies. I finished the walk with a solid sense of direction for both of them, so clear in my mind that was able to quickly commit the thoughts to pixels when I returned to my office.
  • Headed out around 5:20 (offering EP in the car) in a southerly direction. Stopped in Litchfield for a drive-through KFC sandwich and arrived at St Andrew's, Edwardsville in time for a 7pm meeting with their Mission Leadership Team. Their priest-in-charge is retiring at the end of the year, so we had important transitional issues to discuss. Home around 10:15.


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