Thursday (St Monnica)

  • Extended treadmill workout to begin the day.
  • Short-form MP in the car on the way to the office.
  • Attended the 10am semi-annual meeting of the diocesan trustees, who are collectively responsible for overseeing our invested funds. Our investment manager from St Louis made the trip up. This lasted about 90 minutes.
  • Conferred briefly with one of the co-chairs of the Mission Department (who happens to also be a trustee).
  • Conferred substantively with the diocesan Treasurer.
  • Spoke by phone briefly but substantively with a priest of the diocese. This took me right up to noon.
  • Lunch at home. Leftovers.
  • Spent a chunk of quality time with commentaries on Matthew's gospel, specifically the last few verses thereof, in preparation for preaching on Trinity Sunday (at Trinity, Mt Vernon).
  • Attended briefly to some details pertaining to the meeting of the Nashotah Board of Directors later this month.
  • Performed surgery on the text of an old homily for Easter V in preparation for repurposing it for use this year (St George's, Belleville).
  • Attended via email to some administrative details in connection with the ordination process.
  • Assessed the ability of my discretionary fund to respond to a particular request. Made appropriate arrangements for such a response.
  • Responded  by email to a pastoral care request from a priest outside the diocese.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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