
  • Usual daily and weekly task planning over breakfast.
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Conferred briefly with the Archdeacon on a couple of ongoing matters.
  • Solidified plans, via email, to have dinner on Friday with a priest (and his family) who is a candidate for a "complex" cure that involves taking care of St Barnabas', Havana and service as mission strategy development consultant to the Eucharistic Communities in the northern half of the diocese.
  • Devoted a chunk of time and energy to some planning and prep for next month's St Michael's Youth Conference.
  • Drove down to the Walgreen's on South Grand for some Claritin. I've lived in Springfield for six years now, and whatever there is to be allergic to has finally found me. The respite was nice while it lasted.
  • Edited, formatted, and printed the working script for my sermon this Sunday (Emmanuel, Champaign). It's now where it belongs, in a file folder in the back seat of the YFNBmobile, where I don't have to worry about it.
  • Processed a short stack of emails.
  • Lunch from HyVee (Chinese), eaten at home.
  • More emails. Relatively time-sensitive, or I would have just turned them into tasks.
  • Put on my administrator/communicator/nagger-in-chief hat in a series of emails to parish clergy about a particular spiritual renewal process I'm hoping they'll get their Eucharistic Communities involved in.
  • Worked on revising and refining liturgical resources for the "Thy Kingdom Come" novena for renewal and evangelism between Ascension and Pentecost. This involved working "under the hood" with the website, which, apart from doing this blog, intimidates me some. Then I created some Facebook links.
  • Left the office at 4:00 to go home and retrieve Brenda and then head to Champaign, where we grabbed dinner before settling in at Emmanuel for an outstanding vocal concert featuring the male quartet called New York Polyphony. "Amazing" doesn't begin to cover it. Their unison along was a thing of surpassing beauty. Home around 10:30.


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