
  • Weekly and daily task prep at home. Morning Prayer at home.
  • Drove Susan, my visiting sister-in-law, to the airport. In the office just before 10:00.
  • Consulted with the Archdeacon over an ongoing pesky administrative/pastoral matter.
  • Spent the rest of the morning polishing, formatting, and printing the working script of this Sunday's homily (St John the Divine, Champaign).
  • Lunch from McD's, eaten at home.
  • Accompanied Brenda to a healthcare appointment. Back in the office around 2:30.
  • Dealt with a request for consent to the election of a diocesan bishop. These things are often a routine rubber-stamp Yes, but in this case I withheld consent (not that it will make any difference). My decision had nothing to do with the individual in question, but because this election is the ongoing fruit of years-ago failure to follow canonical due process in that diocese.
  • Conferred with the Administrator over a matter that is ... well, *administrative* in nature. Followed up with a substantive email to a third party.
  • Spoke by phone with the Chancellor.
  • Spoke by phone with a priest of the diocese.
  • Put in some time with my developing sermon for Easter VI (Emmanuel, Champaign). Took it from the "amplified message statement" stage to the "developed outline" stage, in preparation for making it a "rough draft" next week.
  • Short-form Evening Prayer in the office.


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