
  • Task planning and Morning Prayer at home (while awaiting the arrival of an electrician for some minor work).
  • Personal devotions in the cathedral (Regina Coeli and intercessory prayer).
  • Reviewed and lightly tweaked the draft evaluation of the Dean of Nashotah House. Attached it to an email memo to the other members of the Board of Directors, in which I addressed a range of concerns that will be on our radar when we meet the week after next.
  • Took about a 25 minute walk in territory northwest of the office.
  • Processed a couple of late-arriving fairly urgent emails.
  • Set to the task of making hotel reservation in Tabora, Tanzania for the early July visit of a delegation from the diocese. This is not as simple as it sounds, as our host bishop recommends a change from where we stayed before, and it seemed prudent to do some internet sleuthing. Interrupted at various times by urgent emails.
  • Lunch at home. Leftovers.
  • Took a call from a lay leader in one of our Eucharistic Communities.
  • Consulted with some interested parties and made a decision re the hotel in Tabora. Left a message on their internet portal. We'll see what happens ... and when.
  • Pushed the ball down the field just a bit toward the hiring of a Communicator.
  • Attended to a small bit of different administrivia pertaining to the Tabora trip.
  • Took a brisk walk in brisk wind, north to Capitol Street, east to Eighth, then down past the Lincoln home to Cass, and back west, with some zigs and zags, to Second.
  • Turned my attention for the rest of the afternoon to my homily for Trinity Sunday (to be delivered, appropriately enough, at Trinity Church in Mt Vernon), building out the message statement I articulated last week into a fully-plotted outline.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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