Friday (St Columba)

  • Task planning and Morning Prayer at home.
  • Emailed staff to let them know of my absence from the office this morning.
  • Emailed three clergy with impending ordination anniversaries.
  • Took care of a couple of personal errands by phone.
  • Began work on editing and refining my homily for Trinity Sunday, to be delivered day after tomorrow at Trinity, Mt Vernon. Since the handyman for whom I was staying home, and who was supposed to come at 9:30, didn't show, I just kept on working and finished short of actually printing, which I will do when I get to the office.
  • Responded to a series of short emails from the Communications Coordinator.
  • Responded via email to an Ember Day letter from one of our postulants.
  • Kept an 11am appointment with my own primary care doctor.
  • Lunch at home. Leftovers.
  • Printed the Trinity Sunday sermon.
  • Worked with Paige, the Communications Coordinator on some video projects. Not urgent, but she deserves to be kept busy while I'm out of the office for nearly the next two weeks. Have I mentioned that technology is a black hole for time?
  • Refined and printed my homily for June 18, to be given at Holy Communion, Charleston, SC, where we will be keeping the feast of Corpus Christi.
  • Answered an email from the Chair of the Department of Finance.
  • Lectio divina (on tomorrow's OT office reading) in the cathedral, followed by Evening Prayer.
  • Roughed out the teaching presentations I'm scheduled to make at the St Michael's Youth Conference next week, and developed the first one in some detail. I'm behind the curve on this.
Just for the record, I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed, just barely staying ahead of deadlines. And the pace will only quicken between now and the second week of July. Spare a prayer for me.


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