Tuesday (St Benedict)

  • Back from our African sojourn. Began organizing tasks over breakfast at home.
  • Kept an 8am appointment with an orthopedist. I suffered an injury 30 years ago that resulted in a "displaced coccyx." and has, only in the last couple of years, begun to manifest as pain when I am seated in anything but a plush chair. So I'm scheduled for a steroid injection next week.
  • Arrived at the office/cathedral complex around 9:15. Took the time to peruse and cull some of the accumulated hard copy items on my desk.
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Finished task organizing.
  • Took a phone call from the diocesan Cursillo Spiritual Director.
  • Responded substantively to an email from one of our rectors regarding an ongoing issue.
  • Exchanged emails with the incoming Priest-in-Charge of St Barnabas', Havana, who will also serve at Mission Strategy Consultant for the three northern deaneries of the diocese. 
  • Completed my registration for the September meeting of the House of Bishops.
  • Spoke briefly with the cathedral Dean.
  • Attended to some General Convention-related issues.
  • Accomplished a big chunk of my project of switching from one task management app (IQTell, which is folding) to another (Todoist).
  • Lunch at home. Leftovers.
  • Worked some more on the software transition project.
  • Chaired a conference call meeting of the Nashotah House Board of Directors. For three hours. 2:00-5:00. Emotionally and mentally (mostly the latter) draining.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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